Heartbroken, that was the word Teresa Kellogg, current owner of the City Café, used as she made the announcement:
“The City Café, another victim of COVID-19 and a staple of the Murfreesboro Tennessee college town, is closing its doors after 120 years in operation.”
My wife and I both attended Middle Tennessee State College, now a University, in the late fifties and early sixties. The City Café was the favorite off campus place to eat. It is where my wife and I met. Located on the town square, it was more than just a restaurant. It was the meeting place for town folks as well as for MTSU students. As for its menu, it was a typical meat and three restaurant dishing up comfort food and lots of “free” fresh baked bread.
In my day, college students dominated the dining room in the early evening—from five to about seven at night. For the townies, it was their breakfast and lunch choice. And it is where the regulars—local businessmen and retirees—hung out for coffee, small talk and “chewing the fat.”. Another MTSU student, Henry Matthew Ward (Matt), wrote a wonderful book reminiscing about the Café’s regulars and the stories they told. Matt was a couple of years behind me. After graduation he became an instructor at the college and later, he got into the real estate business. For many years he has been one of the City Café regulars. His book, True Stories (and other Lies) Told at City Café, is now sure to become a keepsake for all those who will sorely miss the Murfreesboro city square icon.
The restaurant has set up a Go Fund Me page to help its employees while they look for another job. To donate go to https://gf.me/u/y8ais
PS: After originally posting, Matt Ward let me know that his book, True Stories (and other Lies) Told at City Café is available for purchase at http://parkbenchpub.com/html/about_the_book-true-stories.htm for $12.50 plus $3.00 postage. Matt (Henry Matthew Ward) is a self-published author. For other books authored or published by Matt go to his publisher website, http://parkbenchpub.com/.
For signed copies of books by Tom Collins, go to TomCollinsAuthor.com. Unsigned print and eBook editions are available on Amazon, Google Play, Apple iBooks, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, and other online bookstores. Audio editions are available on Amazon, iTunes and directly from Audible.com. Be sure to check out the latest Tom Collins Novel, Beyond Visual Range on Amazon.
Published by I-65 North, Inc.