If change is so risky and dangerous, one might conclude that it is something to avoid. The answer, of course, is that you can’t. Change is the very essence of business. Yes, change left unattended can destroy the business. Likewise, change occurring around you that is left un-responded to reduces your competiveness and can even eliminate the market for your goods or services. Too often entrenched market leaders ignore the changes occurring from disruptive technology or innovation. They focus on the quality, “wrong Q”. The Underwood company thought of itself as a typewriter company not as company to help people produce documents. If they had viewed themselves as the latter, they might still be around.
Survival requires businesses to respond to a constantly changing environment. Consider the chances of surviving in the music industry as vinyl was displaced by CDs only to lose out to the downloading of digital songs. Consider what it was like to survive in the technology business as main frames and service bureaus were replaced by mini-computers which were quickly replaced by desktop computers now under assault from the “cloud” and a host of handheld devices and pads. How does one survive in the telecommunications communications field now that the Internet is here? How would you like to have been the leading manufacturer of FAX machines? Consider the publishing industry now transitioning from the print age to the digital age. Long-term survival requires companies to embrace change, not avoid it!
Change by Decree, forcing change on people, is unmanaged. It may work or it may not. The response to forced change, “Do it because I said to,” is random and unpredictable.
In 2010 Music City suffered a great flood. Nashville streets were turned into streams and the streams into raging killing zones. That is the setting for my newest novel, The Claret Murders, available on Amazon.com for $15.99 or at only $2.99 for the Kindle, Nook and through iTunes for the iPad.