Knee Replacement

Knee Replacement Recovery


At this point, I can honestly say my new knee is great. The problem is all the old stuff that connects to the new knee. 

Recovery from knee replacement is harder than I expected. Progress is not linear. There is no straight line to “better.”

After a few weeks of rehab and continuous improvement, I started to have terrible pain when my patella, or kneecap, stopped tracking correctly. It seems the muscles on the lateral side of my leg were overpowering those on the medial side pulling the patella to the left where it had no place to go. That took several weeks of therapy with an Electronic Muscle Stimulator to get under control. Things were on the mend again and then I developed iliopsoas bursitis. Iliopsoas bursitis is an inflammatory response in the bursa located under the iliopsoas muscles (hip flexor muscles). The iliopsoas muscle is a group of two muscles located toward the front of the inner hip. The result is pain and a lot of it when lifting the foot or leg—so much so that range of motion becomes extremely limited.  Forget stairs—you just can’t do it!

Right now, I’m giving therapy a rest. That seems to be the treatment—if it hurts don’t do it!

I saw the surgeon a week ago to hear something they don’t tell you until after the surgery. “It takes about year to fully recover.”  Whatever happened to “We'll have you up and walking in no time.

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For signed copies of books by Tom Collins, go to Unsigned print and eBook editions are available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other online bookstores. Audio versions of The Claret Murders and  Diversion are available from iTunes, Audibles and Amazon. eBook editions are also available through Apple iTunes’ iBook’s Store and 
Published by I-65 North, Inc.


Getting a New Knee

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I have not done a lot of posting lately and may not be doing so for a while.  I’m getting a new knee next week.  Everyone I know who has had a knee replacement seems to be very happy with the results.  Having gone under the knife a few times, I have to admit that I’m a bit apprehensive about it.  Who knows, I may be so happy with the results I’ll go back for another one.

My daughter, who is a personal trainer, has been preparing me with pre-surgery workouts to build the leg and hip related muscles. The truth is those workouts may be worse than the surgery. I have always said, she could write a book, How I Got Even with My Daddy.

I have been doing a lot of research for my next mystery/adventure. I finally put words on paper—just one sentence:

“Before you read or listen to my story, I ask one thing of you -- pray for all the men, women, and children I have killed.”

If that gets your attention, stay tuned!

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For signed copies of books by Tom Collins, go to Unsigned print and eBook editions are available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other online bookstores. Audio versions of The Claret Murders and Diversion are available from iTunes, Audibles and Amazon. eBook editions are also available through Apple iTunes’ iBook’s Store and
Published by I-65 North, Inc.