I haven’t posted in a while. That’s because after over two years of procrastination, the author juices finally started flowing on Mark Rollins Adventure number six, Beyond Visual Range. The draft is finished, the polishing and editing is ongoing. As he did for my other books, Tom Trebing is designing the cover. I’ll tell you more about the new book in the days to come.
This has not been a particularly newsworthy year—just one devoted largely to trying to keep our older bodies in repair. The biggest news is about what we didn’t do. We had placed a deposit on an apartment in the new wing of The Heritage in Brentwood—a full service senior living facility; but we canceled and decided to stay put in our current home. The other big item is that I got a new shoulder in August. That’s the price I paid for falling in early May. Take my advice, don’t fall.
Martha and I wish you a very Merry Christmas
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For signed copies of books by Tom Collins, go to TomCollinsAuthor.com. Unsigned print and eBook editions are available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other online bookstores. Audio versions of The Claret Murders and Diversion are available from iTunes, Audibles and Amazon. eBook editions are also available through Apple iTunes’ iBook’s Store and Smashwords.com.
Published by I-65 North, Inc