Audio Editions of Mark Rollins Adventures

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I just received word that the audio edition of my latest Mark Rollins adventure, Diversion, is now available. You can find both Diversion and The Claret Murders on Audible. The audio versions are also available on Amazon, iTunes and other online retailers of audio books.  Nothing makes the miles go faster than than llistening to a book while driving.

That long business trip or vacaton drive will be over in no time if you take advantage of audio books like Diversion or The Claret Murders

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For signed copies of books by Tom Collins, go to the Unsigned print and eBook editions are available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other online bookstores. Audio versions of The Claret Murders and  Diversion are available from iTunes, Audibles and Amazon. eBook editions are also available through Apple iTunes’ iBook’s Store and 
Published by I-65 North, Inc.