A story in the Tennessean reported that drug and alcohol abuse saps two billion from Tennessee economy annually. Good enough reason to join nearly 200 other counties and cities in a lawsuit against certain pharmaceutical manufacturers and distributions of prescription opioids. Litigators maintain that the output of these sources vastly exceeds the legitimate volume of these medications for their intended medical purpose. The excess is being diverted for non-medical recreational use.
This diversion leads to destructive addictions. Causing ordinary people, even extraordinary people, to engage in unordinary behavior. The kind of behavior feeding the plot of my new adventure mystery, Diversion. The story of this new Mark Rollins Adventure pulls back the curtain on the illegal use of these powerful drugs and their impact on communities like those filing the law suit.
The Diversion story has its beginnings in New England, New Jersey, Southern Florida, and the Middle East, then the pieces converge in small town Middle Tennessee including Williamson County. The main actors in Diversion live in Franklin, Nashville, and Miami. Much of the action take places in Manchester and Tullahoma Tennessee. That area is the home of Bonnaroo Music Festival with some seventy-five thousand attendees and the Arnold Air Force Base which operates the most advanced flight test facilities in the world. Nothing flies, except through Arnold!
You can purchase Diversion on Amazon.com, or for a signed copy go to tomcollinsauthor.com/new-release.
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For signed copies of books by Tom Collins, go to the TomCollinsAuthor.com. Unsigned print and eBook editions are available from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other online bookstores. For Amazon go to amazon.com/author/tomcollins. For an audio edition of The Claret Murders go to http://amzn.com/B00IV5ZJEI; eBook editions are also available through iTunes’ iBook’s Store and Smashwords.com. For the new adventure novel on Amazon go to Diversion: a Mark Rollins Adventure.
Published by I-65 North, Inc.